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Kosrae Micronesia License Plates
Kosrae passenger plate #3099
Unstickerd 1988
passenger base license plate

Kosrae passenger plate #2935
1998-2000 decals on the 1988
passenger base license plate

Kosrae Games souvenir/sample plate #1997
1997 Kosrae Games
Souvenir/sample plate

Aichi 3A130 (Aluminum)
1988 decal on the 1986
passenger base license plate

Kosrae Games souvenir/sample plate #1997
1980 decal on the 1977
passenger base license plate

blank image

Kosrae's license plate history goes back to 1977, when the island was part of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (T.T.P.I.), which was being administered by the United States of America. During the 1980s, the island of Kosrae became part of the Federated States of Micronesia.

Current series valid since 1988 has a 4 digit embossed blue serial number on the 'Island of the Sleeping Lady' graphic base. Official Government plates have the legend 'KOSRAE STATE' at the top and 'GOVERNMENT VEHICLE' at the bottom. There are other plate types observed, including a legislature vehicle and the Governor plate.

In 1997, Kosrae hosted the second FSM Games. A commemorate souvenir license plates with the serial number '1997' were distributed during the festivities.

This site contains scanned images of license plates for your viewing enjoyment. The images archived here are from my collection, and I will be updating this site as I obtain new plates. If you have any sample plate that you are willing to part with and is listed on my want list, please contact me with the details of your plate. I hope that you will come back and visit often. Nick

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